
A thing by Viviane Tirone

This page is for everything that doesn't necessarily deserve its own page.
Thoughts, rambles - if it doesn't have a place, you'll find it here!
This is also where I talk like I run a newspaper advice column. Silly? Perhaps. No further comments.

Hotspots, An Issue I Know Too Well.

5/17/2023, 11:23:32 PM

You can stop the downward spiral by replacing the words, “I don’t have time!” with “I can do just 5 minutes!”

 First off, repeat after me. Surfaces are not storage!!! Hot spots are any flat surfaces that we place down clutter because we need an empty space. The floor, the countertop. When our flat surfaces are covered up with stuff, we get overwhelmed. So what do we do?

 It's simple! Whenever you think, ugh, gross, lame, tired, don't have time - interupt that thought and clear off a surface. Set a quick timer if needs be, but get everything where it's supposed to be. If it doesn't have a spot, either discard it, give it away, or find/buy a correct spot for it. It's truly incredible how much nicer things look when surfaces are plain and clean. And of course, keep everything you love or need and nothing you don't. Do it!


Love, V

On Making Your Bed, The Quickest Way To Feel A Little (or a Lot!) Less Shitty

5/9/2023, 9:54:49 AM

My favorite part is tucking in the edges against the wall, and folding over the top bit.

 So, I've been thinking about making my bed. Wait, actually, let me do it right now. I'm seriously so excited about this website I hopped out of bed directly onto my computer.

 Okay, I'm back. That took about thirty seconds (having a tiny SCAD twin-size bed certainly helps), and I feel so much better about my space. There's still a lot of crap on the floor, don't get me wrong, and my desk is still cluttered... but my bed is made. And I feel awesome. Like, seriously, so good! I think that if everything is a mess, then we are more likely to fall back into our pre-sexy-cool-organized habits, but certain tasks are easy and remind us what we're aiming for, even if we're not perfect.

 I would call these few crucial tasks anchor habits. The simplicity of doing it is key. Of course doing my laundry makes me feel awesome, but I have so much difficulty getting it done. Too much resistance. Nope, it's gotta be a minute tops.

If you secure your anchors down, even on your worst executive-function days, you'll be able to stop yourself from completely drifting away. That's it for now. Identify your anchors, and if you haven't done them today, get to it!


Love, V